Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Winter Hike

The weather was beautiful, so we headed out for a hike up to Dimple Hill, an almost 5 miler that's all uphill out and all downhill back.  Emily was in the stroller for the out, and Brandon was eagerly running up the trail.  He alternated running and walking for the first two miles(!), at which point he admitted his legs were tired and opted for a piggy back ride from mom.  After mom got weary, he was taxied the rest of the way up on dad's shoulders, then devoured a snack of cashews, dried cherries, apples, and a Clif bar.  We all rested and took in the view from the top.  Still too weary to hike, Brandon commandeered the stroller, and Emily rode down in the Baby Bjorn.  We had a great time!

Zonked out!

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